The Great Inscription of Amen-Em-Heb
He served under Thutmose III (1479 BCE) & Amenhotep II (1427 BCE)

"Then the king of north & south - the truth speaker - ascended to heaven to unite himself with the solar disc and to follow god who penetrates when he makes himself luminous under the form of the solar disc, which illuminates the sky at the same time that it shines. The king of north & south - the son of the Sun, Amenhotep, the giver of life - establishing himself on the throne of his father, reduced under the royal banner all that made opposition to him. He pierced the wretches. And of the desert, he emulated their chiefs, rising like Horus - the son of Isis - taking possession of the extremity, of all those who exist and breathe. All the mountain and plane - bowed as it were before his wishes, their tributes on their backs - he granted unto them the breath of life."

(See Ancient Recitations: [4:45])

The Shipwrecked Sailor
(12th Dynasty)

"The King, Sehotehbabra, flew up to heaven, and joined the sun's disc. The follower of the god met his maker."

(From Egyptian Tales From The Papyri by Flinders Petrie)

(See Greatest Audio Books [1:20:51])


On the Ancient Egyptian concept of kingship as a seed implanted by the sun-god in a human woman, to nurture to birth, see Berlev, Oleg, "The Eleventh Dynasty in the dynastic history of Egypt", in Young, Dwight, Studies presented to Hans Jacob Polotsky, Beacon Hill 1981, 361-377