Hymn to Zeus
by Cleanthes (Stoic)

"We art thine offspring... All that in myriad motion lives for its day on the earth, bears one impress: thy likeness."

"We are your offspring and of all created things the only ones who receive from you the image of the One... For we are your sons."

Old Translation

Chiefest glory of deathless gods, almighty forever, sovereign of Nature that rulest by law, what name shall we give thee? Blessed be thou, for on thee should call all things that are mortal. For that we are thine offspring, nay, all that in myriad motion lives for its day on the earth bears one impress: thy likeness upon it. Wherefore my song is of thee. My hymn of thy power, forever. Lo, the vast orb of the worlds, round the earth evermore as it rolleth, feels thee, it's ruler and guide and owns thy lordship, rejoicing.

Aye, for thy conquering hands have a servant of living fire. Sharp is the bolt. Where it falls, nature shrinks at the shock and doth shudder. Thus thou directest the word universal that pulses through all things, mingling its life with lights that are great and lights that are lesser. Eden has beseemeth its birth, high king, through ages unending. 

Naught is done that is done without thee in the earth or the waters or in the heights of heaven, save the deed of the fool and the sinner. Thou canst make rough things smooth. At thy voice, lo, jarring disorder, moveth to music and love is born where hatred abounded. Thus hast thou fitted alike things good and things evil together that over all might reign one reason, supreme and eternal. Though thereunto the hearts of the wicked be hardened and heedless, woe unto them. For while ever their hands are grasping at good things, blind are their eyes. 

Yeah, stopped are their ears to god's law universal. Calling through wise obedience, to live the life that is noble, this they mark not. But heedless of right, turn each to his own way. Here, a heart fired with ambition in strife and straining, unhallowed; there, thrusting honour side, fast set upon getting and gaining; others, again, given over to lusts and dissolute softness, working never god's law, but that which wareth upon it. 

Nay, but Oh, giver of all things good, whose home is the dark cloud, thou that wieldest heaven's bolt, save men from their ignorance grievous. Scatter it's night from their souls and grant them to come to that wisdom wherewithal, sistered with Justice, thou rulest and governest all things. That we, honoured by thee, may requite thee with worship and honour, evermore praising thy works as is meet for men that shall perish. Seeing that none, be he mortal or god, hath privilege nobler than without stint without stay, to extol thy law universal.

New Translation