[1] "For the great goddess has given to him to strike those who know her not. And if he reaches forth he spares none and leaves naught behind."

from Egyptian Tales From The Papyri by Flinders Petrie

(See Greatest Audio Books [1:20:51])

[2] A passage from Ch. CLIV (154) of the Book of the Dead, bears a remarkable resemblance to Psalm 82 in the Hebrew Bible. In this passage, the deceased king Thothmes III (15th cent BCE) prays to Tmu, here the sole, eternal creator God:

“Preserve me behind thee, O Tmu, from decay such as that which thou workest for every god, and every goddess, for all animals, for all reptiles; for each paseth away when has gone forth his soul after his death, he perisheth after he hath passed away.”

(Budge, p.1xxxix)


“God has taken his place in the divine council; in the midst of the gods he holds judgment. . . ‘You are gods, sons of the Most High, all of you; nevertheless, like men you shall die, and fall like any prince.’ Arise, O God, judge the earth…” 

(Psalm 82 - ESV)


This in itself is a noteworthy borrowing. Equally noteworthy is the reference to the divine council in Job.